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Angela Grossmann

While still a student at Emily Carr College (now Institute) of Art and Design in 1985, Angela Grossmann was introduced as one of the Vancouver Art Gallery's "Young Romantic" painters most likely to influence the course of painting in that decade. Over the past 25 years, Grossmann has continued to be a significant force in the Canadian art world. In June 2006, she was included in a list of 100 artists who have most influenced students at eleven leading British art schools, including the Royal Academy, Slade and Royal College of Art. 

Grossmann has devoted much of her career to examining themes of displacement and social margins through the use of collaged and transferred discarded materials. In an early series titled Affaires d'Enfants (1987), she painted on the insides of suitcases abandoned by an agency in Paris that once sponsored summer camp holidays for orphans.  In 1991, she created (Sign)ifying the END of the (Second) 2nd World War using photographs of unknown European children found in second-hand shops.  Grossmann based her 1994 exhibition Scapegoats on mug shots taken of prisoners in the British Columbia Penitentiary during the 1940s. In a strange world hovering between fantasy and reality, she forced viewers to face the human side of criminals. Her 1999 exhibition, My Vocation, presented the human figure graphically sketched and enlarged. The images emerged through ephemeral layers of letters, photographs, addresses, envelopes, postage and cancellation marks.

In her recent work, Grossmann emphasizes coming-of-age themes. Alpha Girls (2004), a forceful narrative series, resonated with the emotional world of young teen girls. Paper Dolls continued the themes of social status, fashion and identity among the “paper dolls” of 2006. Also in 2006, she joined forces once more with Douglas Coupland, Graham Gillmore, Attila Richard Lukacs and Derek Root to create a massive sculptural installation entitled Vancouver School. Grossmann collaborates with this group on a regular basis for special projects.

After earning an MFA at Concordia University and teaching at Ottawa University, Grossmann returned to Vancouver in 1997 to paint and to teach at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design and University of British Columbia.  Her work has been exhibited widely across Canada, the United States and Europe. It is in numerous public and private collections. 


While still a student at Emily Carr College (now Institute) of Art and Design in 1985, Angela Grossmann was introduced as one of the Vancouver Art Gallery's "Young Romantic" painters most likely to influence the course of painting in that decade. After earning an MFA at Concordia University and teaching at Ottawa University, Grossmann returned to Vancouver in 1997 to paint and to teach at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design and University of British Columbia.  Her work has been exhibited widely across Canada, the United States and Europe. It is in numerous public and private collections.

Over the past 40 years, Grossmann has continued to be a significant force in the Canadian art world. She has devoted much of her career to examining themes of displacement, social margins and feminine power. In 2006, she was included in a list of 100 artists who have most influenced students at eleven leading British art schools, including the Royal Academy, Slade and Royal College of Art.


1985        Emily Carr College of Art & Design, Honours Diploma, Vancouver, BC
1986        Awarded Canada Council Studio in Paris for one year 
1991        M.F.A., Concordia University, Montreal, QC
1991-present    Taught painting at Concordia University, University of Ottawa, and                                          Ontario College of Art University, University of British Columbia, Emily                                 Carr University, Vermont college of Fine Arts, MFAi

Solo Exhibitions (abbreviated)

2024        All that Glitters, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, AB
2024        The Silver Suite, Equinox Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2023        To A Woman Passing By, Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel (Equinox Gallery),                                   Vancouver, BC
2023        With Themselves, Equionox Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2022        Smaller than life, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada
2017        Models of Resistance, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, Canada
2015.        Solo booth, Art Toronto, Art Fair – Hello Dolly 
2015.       Capture Festival, Models of Resistance – Vancouver , Canada 
2012        Winsor Gallery, The Future Is Female, Vancouver, Canada 
2011        Vancouver Art Gallery- Painting and Photography- Smaller than Life
2010        Galerie d’este - Montreal
2010         Newzones Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
2010        Code 2010 – Online exhibit- curated by Milena Placentile
2010        Melissa Morgan Fine Art- Palm Desert, California 
2008         Next- Art Chicago 
                  Mirror, Mirror, Newzones Gallery, Calgary, AB
2005        Alpha Girls, Edward Day Gallery, Toronto, ON
2004        Alpha Girls, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2002        Thirteen, Robert Birch Gallery, Toronto, ON 
1999        Correction(s), Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC 
1997        Garnet Press Gallery, Toronto, ON 
1993        Bourget Gallery, Montreal, QC 
1989       Angela Grossmann: A Recent Survey, Simon Fraser Gallery, Simon Fraser                                University, Vancouver, BC
1987         Affaires d'Enfants, Diane Farris Gallery 

Group Exhibitions

2023        Seattle Art Fair, Seattle, Washington (with Melissa Morgan Fine Art from Palm                      Desert)
2023        Art Toronto, Toronto, ON (Equinox Gallery)
2022        Art Toronto, Toronto, ON 
2021        Art Toronto, Toronto, ON
2020        XX, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, AB        
2018        Sampler, Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary, AB        
2017         Art on Paper, New York City 
2016         Papier, Art Fair, Montreal, Quebec 
2016.        Beast Salient, Franc Gallery, Vancouver
2016.        Drama Queer, seducing social change – curated by Dr Johnathan Katz –                                 catalogue 
2015.          Jiggery Pokery – two person show, Winsor Gallery, Vancouver
2015          Beijing Biennale , Beijing China 
2011          Unreal, Vancouver Art Gallery,
2010           Six degree of Separation- Claire Oliver- NYC - New York
2010           Competition, Consumers, Corporatization.Online exhibition curated by                                  Milena Placentile, 
2007           Fine Line, Kunsthallen Braenderigard, and Senko Studio, Viborg, Denmark
2006           Paint, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC
                    Dancing to the Invisible Piper: Canadian Figurative Art, Art Gallery of                                         Mississauga 
                     Vancouver School, Artists for Kids Gallery, North Vancouver, BC
                     Mois de la Photo, curated by Martha Langford, Montreal, QC
2004             Basement Show, Art Gallery of Calgary, Calgary, A
                      Form & Figure, Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK
                      The Basement Show, The Electra, Vancouver, BC
                      Memories and Testimonies, Hart House, Toronto, ON
2002             Memories and Testimonies, Concordia, Montreal, PQ
                      Pool, Harbour Front Gallery, Toronto, ON
                      Toronto Art Fair (Robert Birch Gallery), Toronto, ON
2001              Beaux Arts 2001: Showcasing Artists, Sidney & Gertrude Zack Gallery,
                       Toronto Art Fair (Robert Birch Gallery), Toronto, ON
1999-2000    Catherine Clark Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1999              Crime and Punishment, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Kingston, ON 
                       Crime and Punishment, Gallery 44, Toronto, ON 
                       Crime and Punishment, Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SK
1998              Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC
1997              Absolute L.A. Invitational, Sherry Frumkin Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1995              The Spectacular State:  Fascism and the Modern Imagination, The Teck                                    Gallery, Toronto
                       The Spectacular State: Fascism and the Modern Imagination, Simon Fraser                              University, Vancouver, 
                        Vancouver Holocaust Society, Vancouver, BC
                        Articule, Montreal, QC
1994               '64 - '94 Contemporary Decades, Emily Carr Institute of Arts & Design,                                     Vancouver, BC
                        The Expressive Portrait, The Exposure Gallery, Vancouver, BC
                        Artfair Seattle (Diane Farris Gallery), Seattle, WA; part of public displays                                   project
1993              MONTAGE 93: International Festival of the Image, Rochester, NY
1992-1997    Artfair Seattle (Diane Farris Gallery), Seattle, WA
1990              ART/LA '90, Diane Farris Gallery booth, Los Angeles, CA
                      Artropolis '90, The Roundhouse, Vancouver, BC
1989             Gilmore, Grossmann, Root, 49th Parallel Gallery (Diane Farris Gallery), NY
1988             Great Strides, Stride Gallery (in assoc. with University of Lethbridge                                            collection), Calgary, AB
1987             Art Cologne ’87 (Diane Farris Gallery), Cologne, West Germany
                      Fresh Air: Eight Vancouver Painters, Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC
                      Vancouver Painters, Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary, AB
                      West Coast Paintings: New Directions, Canada House, London, England
1986             Four Vancouver Young Romantic Painters, Centre Culturel Canadien, Paris
1985            Young Romantics, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC
                     Five Young Artists, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver, BC
                     Futura Bold Installation, Convertible Warehouse, Vancouver, BC
                     Group Show of Canadian Painters, 49th Parallel Gallery, New York, NY
1984            Futura Bold, Unit Pitt, Vancouver, BC
                     Warehouse Show, Vancouver, BC

Grants & Awards

2014.       Canada Council “B” Grant  
2004        Canada Council “A” Grant
1996        Canada Council “B” Grant
1994        Canada Council “B” Grant
1990        Canada Council “B” Grant
1988        Canada Council "B" Grant
1986        Canada Council "B" Grant
1984        British Columbia Cultural Fund Award
1983        Scholarship from Emily Carr College of Art and Design
                 British Columbia Cultural Fund Award
1981        First Year Scholarship from Emily Carr College of Art and Design

Selected Publications

2016.                       Sunshine Frere , Montechristo Magazine, interview - Summer issue 
2016.                       Staff writer, Drama Queer, interview
2015.                      Kevin Griffin, Vancouver Sun, Models of resistance 
2015.                       Robin Laurence, Jiggery Pokery , Bordercrossings (Spring ) 
2015.                       Danielle Egan, Doll Parts , Whitehotmagazine- 
2015.                       Hadani Ditmars - Canadian Art Magazine - Models of Resistance  
2015.                       Robin Laurence, Georgia Straight , Models of Resistance 
2012.                       Danielle Egan, Canadian Art, Flesh for Fantasy 
2010.                       David Yates, Montreal Home Magazine – Anew eye on the Old -                                             Autumn  
2010                      Huffington Post- The commonwealth strikes back – Mark Wiener 
2010                      John Pohl- Emotional Intelligence – Montreal Gazette
2009                      Loren, Lerner, Adolescent Girls, Adult Women, Girlhood Studies, Vol 1.                                       Berghahn Journals
2009                      Leadlay, Christina. Spade Magazine, p54-59
2008                      Dykk, Lloyd. The Vancouver Sun, December 6, 2008
2008                      Roenisch, Clint and Jane Urquhart. Carte Blanche, Vol. 2 – Painting,                                         Magenta Publishing for the Art, Toronto, ON
2007                      Kevin Chong, “Art & Commerce,” Fashion, October 2007, p 128-133
                               Starke, Sean, “Angela Grossmann,” Hobo Magazine, Spring/Summer                                       2007, p 106-111
                              VLM, “Gallerista,” Vancouver Lifestyles Magazine, Vol. 14 Issue 10,                                          Winter 2008, p 62
2006                     Allen, Joanne, “100 Artists who have most influenced British art                                              students,” The Art Newspaper, No. 170, June 2006
                              Campbell, Deborah, “Angela Grossmann’s Portrait Toughs – Alpha Girl,”                                Canadian Art, Vol. 23 No. 2, Summer 2006, p 60-63
                              Sorbelli, Sylvia. Angela Grossmann’s and Poleixeni Papepetrou’s                                              Adventures in Wonderland, Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art                                      History.
                              Cramp, Beverly, “Angela Grossmann,” Galleries West, Summer 2006,                                        cover, p 40-42
                              Harper”s Magazine, September 2006, p 23 (images)
                              Hill, Mary Frances, “Explorations of Girlhood Under Pressure,”                                                  Westender, June 15-21, 2006
                              Laurence, Robin, Artists go back to School,” “The Georgia Straight, April                                  20, 2006
2004                     Barr, Catherine, “Cat’s Eye,” Westender, October 14-20, 2004
                              Dault, Julia, “The Art Underground,” National Post, June 10, 2004
                              Laurence, Robin, “Girls Caught in the Market Tide,” Georgia Straight,                                         October 14, 2004 
                              Menkis, Richard & Norman Ravvin, The Canadian Jewish Studies                                                  Reader,Red Deer Press, 2004 (cover)
2003                     Gill, Alexandra, “Art Goes Underground,” Globe and Mail, October 27, 2003                     Scott, Michael, “The Basement Reveals Artistic Genius,” The Vancouver                                  Sun, October 29, 2003
                             Wohlberg, Tara, “Lost & Found,” NUVO, autumn 2003
2002                     Dault, Gary Michel, “Girl-paintings are strong stuff,” Globe and Mail,                                              December 21, 2002
                               Johnson, Mia, Preview of the Visual Arts, March-April, 2002

Memories and Testimonies
2001        Howard, Cori, “Five Artists, Will Paint for Money,” National Post, February 6,                                2001
2000        Artweek Magazine, Cover Illustration, February, 2000 SanFrancisco, Ca
                 Milroy, Sarah, “Vancouver Painters Reach Critical Mass,” Globe and Mail, May                             15, 1999
                 Richardson, Bill, “Job Satisfaction,” National Post, March 10, 1999
                 Scott, Michael, “Angela Grossmann,” The Vancouver Sun, March 11, 1999
1997        Hume, Chris, “Lending Dignity to Faces of Crime,” The Toronto Star, March 20,                                           1997
                 Mackay, Gillian, “Angela Grossman & Oliver Girling at Garnett Press,” Globe                              and Mail, March 8, 1997
1992         Rosenberg, Ann, “Distaff Eyes Reflect Surreal World,” The Vancouver Sun,                              September 12, 1992
1990         Genereux, Linda, “Canadians Regroup in NY,” Metropolis, Vol. 1, No. 44, March                       23, 1989
1988         Grace Sherrill, “Painting on the Edge, 1987,” American Book Review, Spring                                1988
                  Watson, Scott, “Angela Grossmann,” Western Living, April 1988
1987         Blanchette, Manon, “Aux Confins de la Tradition et de L'Ouverture,” Vie des                               Arts, summer 1987
                  Kaplan, Joel, “Graham Gillmore, Angela Grossmann,” Vanguard, September                           1987
                  Tousley, Nancy, “Artists Part of Vigorous New Vancouver Movement,” Calgary                          Herald, January 29, 1987
                  Watson, Scott, “Angela Grossmann:  Affaires d’Enfants,” Canadian Art, Fall 1987
                  “New Era of Painting on Show at Canada House,” Canada Today. No. 13,                                          November 1986
                  Thomas, Gilda, “Four Young Romantics of Vancouver,” Vie des Arts, December                                1986
1985         Featherstone, Bill, “In Review Vancouver,” The Art Post, October/November                           1985
                  Templeman-Kluit, Anne, “Young Romantics at the Vancouver Art Gallery,”                              Vancouver Magazine, June 1985
                  Watson, Scott, “Review of Futura Bold,” C Magazine, Spring 1985
                  Wolff, Theodore F, “New York Art Galleries that Sizzle in Summer,” Christian                             Science Monitor, June 1985



ABN AMRO International Bank, Amsterdam, Holland 
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, BC
Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Florida
Canada Council Art Bank, Ottawa, ON
Canadiana Fund Heritage Art Collection, Ottawa, ON
Canadian Postal Museum, Ottawa, ON
Federation CJA, Montreal, QC
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, AB
Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC
Museum Abteiberg, Monchengladbach, Germany
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, ON
Seymour Collection, Vancouver, BC
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC

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Herringer Kiss Gallery

101, 1615 10 Ave SW
Calgary, AB T3C 0J7
P: 403.228.4889
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