Aron Hill
Aron Hill currently lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. He graduated from Alberta College of Art and Design in 2000 with a BFA in Interdisciplinary studies. He then completed his MFA at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His work there evolved into installation based projects using traditional drawing and painting methods alongside formal sculptural elements, large format photography and text based work. He has recently been focused on formalist paintings that recall aspects of minimalism and color field paintings though with references to the figure throughout. He finds conceptual company in the late Modernist paintings produced particularly in Canada. The choice of a restricted medium, acrylic ink washes on prepared raw canvas, forces restraint. The work's graphic nature relies on the sheer flatness this medium produces. Aron has exhibited internationally, occasionally lectures, and writes.

Aron Hill
Aron Hill currently lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. He graduated from Alberta College of Art and Design in 2000 with a BFA in Interdisciplinary studies. He then completed his MFA at Goldsmiths College, University of London. His work there evolved into installation based projects using traditional drawing and painting methods alongside formal sculptural elements, large format photography and text based work. He has recently been focused on formalist paintings that recall aspects of minimalism and color field paintings though with references to the figure throughout. He finds conceptual company in the late Modernist paintings produced particularly in Canada. The choice of a restricted medium, acrylic ink washes on prepared raw canvas, forces restraint. The work's graphic nature relies on the sheer flatness this medium produces. Aron has exhibited internationally, occasionally lectures, and writes.
Angela Lane
March 6 - April 6 |2025
Opening Reception, Thursday, March 6th from 5 to 8 pm.
Artist in Attendance.

Calgary Artist, Angela Lane creates 3 dimensional paintings that explore forms as dynamic organizations and hybrids from the history of abstract painting along with elements of domestic. Angela’s forms emerge from the desire to transcend traditional boundaries. Her work embodies a computational aggregate of diverse influences and sources, inviting viewers to reconsider the nature of form and the divisions between craft, design and fine art.
Angela collages disparate textures, designs and patterns together, resulting in a fusion of organic and geometric shapes, sculpture, illusion, physical form and layered imagery. The physicality of her 3 dimensional forms interplay with the 2 dimensional illusions she creates on the surfaces.
Her paintings blend patterns from the domestic such as wallpaper, fabrics and quilts with those from fashion and graphic design as well as the lineage of abstract painting to produce marvelous mash-ups of organic and geometric, domestic and fine arts traditions with physical and illusionary form.